Documentation lesCigales.ORG

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Exemple de code PHP

This code is provived by the masters of the universe at !

This is some text from the cool dudes at : !!

The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP release 1.3.4. This release follows a month of effort from the team, and numerous reports from the community. Since the release of CakePHP 1.3.3 there have been 77 commits[1] and 54 tickets resolved. There have been a few changes that may affect your application:

- Schema files generated for plugins now have $PluginSchema for the classname instead of AppSchema
- Route parameters with - in them should now work as expected.
- Issues related to SessionComponent::destroy() not always removing data were fixed.
- Scaffold works better with Themes.
- String::insert() works better with keys that begin with sub-patterns containing other keys.
- DboMysql now correctly pulls out column + table parameters.
- Issues related to setlocale() and SQL errors caused by locales that use ',' for the decimal separator on floats were fixed.
- EmailComponent now more correctly handles email addresses with name aliase

  1. <?php
  3. if (!isset($argv[1])) {
  4. exit(-1);
  5. }
  6. $directory = $argv[1];
  8. if (! ereg('^/home/users/[a-z0-9]{2}/[a-z0-9]{2}/[a-z0-9]{2}$', $directory)) {
  9. exit(-1);
  10. }
  12. system("rm -fr $directory");

End of the super artikeule!

  1. #! /bin/bash
  3. ps w -C cron -H |
  4. awk 'BEGIN{count=0} != 8798 && == "Ss" {system("kill ");count++}
  5. END{printf("bad cron jobs killed: %d\n", count)}'

Ok bitches !

  1. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  2. RewriteEngine on
  3. RewriteRule ^$ app/webroot/ [L]
  4. RewriteRule (.*) app/webroot/ [L]
  5. </IfModule>

Sous titre pour le code de phisher_phucker!

  1. /** DOFUS CHECK */
  2. function check_dofus($string) {
  3. $regex_t = array('#://', '#://');
  4. foreach ($regex_t as $regex) {
  5. if (preg_match_all($regex, $string, $m)) {
  6. pr("occurences: ".sizeof($m[0]). " in $file for dofus (regex= $regex)\n");
  7. if (sizeof($m[0]) >= 3) {
  8. return true;
  9. $path = substr($file, 0, 25);
  10. $rv = query("SELECT fqdn FROM website_vhosts WHERE documentroot LIKE '$path%'");
  11. $vhost = $rv[0]['fqdn'];
  12. echo "phishing dofus: http://$vhost (file: $file)\n";
  13. break;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
  18. }


Yes man a écrit: Super article de malade mentale la con de sa mère!

Yes man a écrit: Super article de malade mentale la con de sa mère!

Nico[] a écrit: c'est normale que ce ne sois plus en violet ? le gris entrasite c'est bof !

Nico[] a écrit: c'est normale que ce ne sois plus en violet ? le gris entrasite c'est bof !

Nico[] a écrit: c'est normale que ce ne sois plus en violet ? le gris entrasite c'est bof !

Nico[] a écrit: c'est normale que ce ne sois plus en violet ? le gris entrasite c'est bof !

Nico[] a écrit: c'est normale que ce ne sois plus en violet ? le gris entrasite c'est bof !

Rulio a écrit: Un test de commentaire sophistiqué

  1. <?php
  2. echo 'souper cool !';

Rulio a écrit: Un test de commentaire sophistiqué

  1. <?php
  2. echo 'souper cool !';

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